Sunday 11 March 2007

breaking holiday silence...

just a quick note to reveal a new couple of cuties...

little oobee cottontail

mini corduroy oobee cottontail

special easter edition oobees now in my shop! i whipped up these little fellas last weekend while i was waiting for the carpet cleaners to come by and erase all evidence that we live like pigs before my mom came to visit, along with two from the grey and cream cut velvet that i made this guy from. i have two more bunnies that just need final touches and should hit the shop in the next few days.

my mom is here now and we're having a great old time, i have sooooo much stuff to write about - thrift shopping, photos taken, fabulous mail (thanks belinda!!!!). i'll get around to taking photos and writing a bunch of catch up posts later in the week but for now it's back to a little grey's anatomy and some fine shiraz. ahhhh, holidays...


  1. When you move over here I am so buying one of these oobies for Mahlie! Perhaps we can trade for a doggie... Don't worry about flickr mail - I understand it's time consuming being a tour guide and having a house guest!

  2. Anonymous4:24 am

    I've so lost touch with onegirldesign! I'm so glad I found you again from Bloesom, I remember your blue and white themed website, and was sorry that I didn't hear anything since you moved to oz! Yay!

  3. Hi, I finally found you through nichola's site (the link in the blog-meet email didn't work). Your blog and your work is gorgeous. I look forward to meeting you in May. Jo

  4. Oobee bunnies - awwww, what cuties! I love their sweet little faces and big bunny ears. :)

  5. Anonymous8:30 pm

    your holidays sound loooove-ly. And much needed! Sweet little oobees too.


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