Thursday 18 January 2007


glass eyes

glass teddy bear eyes, i think vintage, found in a bag labeled "felt & eyes" at a bendigo op shop. sorting it out later, it really was just that, felt pieces and a random array of eyes from various teddy bears and animals. weird but a bit of a bounty as a quick search showed that these sorts of glass eyes sell for about $3 per pair. i'd love to use them to make crazy, disproportionate, japanese style mohair bears but don't have them kinda skills (insert hill billy accent). maybe someday but until then they'll be added to the growing, disorganized mass that is my craft room (the holiday tidy-up didn't last long).


  1. 'felt and eyes' - that's a crackup. nice find.

  2. Isn't Bendigo a great place for Op-Shopping! Oops, shhh! Don't tell anyone.

  3. I just love finds like that! So kooky and crazy, but oddly beautiful at the same time. ;)

  4. cute and eerie at the same time.


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