Tuesday 21 June 2016

Back in action...

Um, hi there... long time no see... no, your eyes do not deceive you. Yes, I am reinstating the project journal.

This year has been pretty amazing. Both my kids are now at school and I'm relishing the extra time to myself (and the extra patience and attention I can dole out to them when they are home). I feel like I'm slowly getting bits of myself back, extra pieces I had to discard over the past few years in order to survive  - okay, that's a little dramatic but I think most mothers out there will know what I mean: there is only time and energy for so much. For me that meant things I previously loved, like knitting, blogging and the desire to sew anything beyond clothes, had to go by the wayside so I could handle raising my children and concentrate on my business in the little kid-free time I had.

So I'm knitting again, after a seven year hiatus, and I'm regularly having huge burst of creative ideas and planning (without feeling overwhelmed with it all being too, too much to handle). And I am LOVING IT. And I'm missing having this outlet to share what I'm playing with and what is inspiring me. I really and truly do love Instagram but sometimes I just want to share a bit more, and a bit more cohesively, than I can there. So here I am, back in action.

A little extra curricular sewing project seemed like the perfect launch back into this project journal and, of course, someone who is knitting and having huge creative bursts AND prints their own fabric needs to make an extra special knitting bag.

I saw this photo tutorial on Pinterest and made my own pattern based on the (rather vague) directions given. There was a bit of mucking around, unpicking and compromising during creation but I'm well pleased with how it has turned out. Square bottomed and fully reversible, made with a fat quarter of my Fragments design in Velvet on hemp/organic linen and a piece of my dropcloth on the other side. There is a decent sized zipper pocket on both the outside and inside for any extra bits I need to carry. I'm currently working on my first sweater and it is making me SO happy every time I reach for this bag. Now I just need to make a new case for my interchangeable circular needle set due to a faulty zipper on the (rather ugly) case they came in...


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