Wednesday 16 July 2014

Ta da!! Introducing the Maze & Vale Textile and Print Making Studio...

The studio early this morning :)
Working in this lovely space today. A bit chilly but so happy :)

It's been a typical reno project with mishaps and about turns and new solutions and way more money spent than initaly budgeted for but... the studio is done and I LOVE IT. My husband is an absolute superstar who put in countless hours on top of his full time job to patch, plaster, paint and floor the place with not one little complaint, totally supportive and completely awesome (pretty cute, too) - he's a gem and I couldn't have done this, really ANY of this, without him. (Big thanks, buddy. xx) There are still a few tweaks to be made to the space and I'm still getting used to having my workspace split up (my work room at home will become a sewing/quilting room as the new studio isn't really big enough for both) but all in all, it is EXCELLENT and I am very happy :)

I had my first day of workshops last Saturday to a full house and had a fantastic group of ladies (and one very skilled 12 year old) taking part. I think everyone had an excellent time and I personally couldn't have asked for a better start to this new phase of my venture.

The next day of Block Printing on Fabric and Freeform Patchwork is on August 16th and there are only a couple of spots left (you can even sign up for the whole day for a special price and use your block printed fabric for the patchwork as many did this past weekend). But fear not, I have another day of the same on September 20th that is still pretty open and will be putting dates for the rest of the year up soon, along with some other workshop (yes, screen printing). A little note too, if you're part of a group (min 8) who would like to organise your own day of workshops at my studio (or yours), please email me at for my special group rate!

Scenes from the Block Printing workshop
Block Printing on Fabric Workshop
Block Printing on Fabric Workshop
Just starting Freeform Patchwork, lovely him of sewing machines
More beautiful patchwork by Josephine of @flownthecoup using pieces she stamped in the morning workshop
Freeform Patchwork Workshop


  1. What a beautiful space you've created Leslie! And all that lovely natural light with that wonderful glass front. There's nothing better than your very own dedicated creative space. (I'm hoping to have my own again very soon, fingers crossed.) Enjoy!

  2. So gorgeous to see this all come to be, I can hear the happiness in your writing voice : )
    Congratulations!! Hope to stop by one day - love the look of your workshops x

  3. Congratulations! It looks wonderful!

  4. Looks great! Wish I was still in Melbourne - I'd be signing up for a workshop for sure :)

  5. so ace leslie, will catch you one day for a class x

  6. It's amasing what you have done to the place!
    Congrats :)

    All the best.


I love to hear your thoughts, thanks so much for taking the time to comment! If you have a question to ask, I will answer it here (and by email as well, if I can track down your email address). I would love to reply to every single comment but until Blogger makes it easier to reply by email, please know that I am so happy you stopped by : )


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