Wow, five plus hoirs of measuring and listing fabric and my destash sale is now finally LIVE! These are bits and pieces and yardage from my onegirl days so most are out of print and a few quite hard to find indeed. They are all lovely and obviously I stashed them for a reason but I need the room for Maze & Vale stock these days so have parred down my designer quilting cotton stash from two shelves to one (it was hard and a few were squeezed back onto the shelf even after I had photographed them for the sale!).
So here's the full scoop: I have opened a new shop outside of Etsy and this is where the majority of my stock will be listed starting in September. I have no plans to shut my Etsy shop, it has been oh-so-good to me (over 1200 sales in 18 months!!) but it will only contain things that I have available in multiples, like fabric panels and diy oobee kits so that I don't have to worry about overselling between my new shop and Etsy shop. There are many reasons that I am making this move but mainly I have noticed a lot of people buying from me who have never purchased off Etsy before, meaning they have come from my blog or markets or word of mouth, and I feel bad for making them sign up to yet another account just to buy some fabric (although it is great to introduce them to the dangerously wonderful shopping experience that is Etsy).
I am heading to Canada/US for most of August so both shops will closing August 1st, the new shop will officially open in early Sept and will be the new www.mazeandvale.com (I still have a lot of work to do setting it up properly). For now the new shop only contains the Destash Sale stock so any Maze & Vale goodies will still need to be purchased through my Etsy shop until the end of July but I will combine shipping between the two and will refund any excess shipping charges via Paypal.
Now get shopping, I need some extra cash to pay for princess dresses at Disneyland next month!
Happy to help out! I still have some fabrics I bought off you last time, and I love them, use them in lots of projects. Have a great trip away!