Tuesday 20 March 2012

scrappy brooches

fabric brooches
fabric brooches

another little something new i've been playing with. these are ridiculously fun to make, i can't seem to stop...


  1. I love making those too - a great way to show off little bits of cute fabric and do some freehand sewing.

  2. I'm addicted to making fabric brooches (and using scraps!) too! Such a great way to brighten up a plain outfit or simple dress. I made an almost identical one last week, but used some fabric, tulle, felt and a button. Hmmm, not so identical, but also round LOL You can see it about half way down this post: http://prettybobbins.blogspot.com/2012/03/mens-shirt-into-princess-dress.html I prefer a safety pin on the back as I find the brooch backs too bulky.


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