Thursday 17 November 2011

what a week





sick kids, sick husband, sick mama, so many loads of washing, so little eating, hydralyte icey poles, slowly recovering, trips to the post box, printing advent panels, unpacking market stock, trying to get swap packages together, making so many lists, playdate, trip to the zoo to see new gorillas, evening meeting for mae's awesome-sounding, next-year kinder... and it's only thursday.

*photos from a little excursion to heide museum of modern art last week with some buddies for playgroup victoria's open day.


  1. Oh cripes. Please tell me you're not talking about one of those all-in, simultaneous, family vomity events? Ghastly, if so. And my heartfelt commiserations...

  2. Oh you poor thing, hope you're all feeling better soon. We've got something similar going on here, but it's yet to spread and my fingers are very crossed. Hope you can rest up at some point.

  3. Anonymous7:03 pm

    coraggio cara, un abbraccio da una tua lettrice italiana e grazie per le belle cose che pubblichi. Mariarita Sacchi

  4. wow- you have been busy! Sorry to hear you've all been well. Sounds at least like you all made a quick recovery. Something to be grateful for!


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