Sunday 17 July 2011

shoppity shop

quilt pattern

wooooooo hoooooo!! the shop update is dooooooooone!! feels like this one has been a long time coming, that quilt pattern was so. much. WORK. but the upside is that now that i have done the hard yards of writing out the basics of basting, machine binding and quilting future quilt patterns will be so much easier to get finished. yep, that's right, folks - you don't just get a pattern, you get all my secrets, too. not that they are not really secrets at all, just methods that i have hobbled together from different books and tutorials in my self taught journey of quilting. still, i'm pretty pleased to finally have them on paper, i have so many designs in my head with pattern potential... here are a few more pics of my new tin roof quilt pattern (single and baby sizes included), inspired by the unavoidable view from our deck of my neighbour's patched up tin shed:

tin roof single quilt

tin roof single quilt

tin roof single quilt back

tin roof baby quilt

tin roof baby quilt+back

and not to be outdone by the quilty goodness, the oobees have also made quite a stunning show for this update...

pour le blog

just a small sampling of the little guys i have created lately, out of my hoarded stash of beautiful hand printed, australian fabrics, vintage hand embroidered and linen tablecloths and some very-hard-to-cut-into lotta jansdotter. head over to the shop to see the whole crew!


  1. Anonymous9:23 pm

    Congratulations! Your pattern is beautiful!

  2. Gorgeous... just gorgeous.

  3. always love your colour selections. and congratulations on getting your pattern done.

    do you still make oobee blankees? or even sell a pattern for them?

  4. funny you should ask, betsy - i have a few oobee blankees planned {one for a friend and others for my christmas markets} and a pattern for them has been sitting half done for over a year! i figure the ones i make in september can also count as my pattern samples so i have something to photograph that hasn't been drooled on by my children, should be just the thing to get that pattern finished by october.

  5. This pattern is lovely! I love the fabric colors of the grey/blue quilt.


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