Tuesday 28 September 2010

last minute gift wrap

 making wrapping paper

we needed to wrap a present for a fellow 2 year old a couple of weeks ago and i realised i had absolutely no wrapping paper. i did, however, have a toddler who needed to be kept busy for 15 minutes and a huge roll of kraft paper. i cut a big piece off, taped it to side of a storage unit and let her go to town with the crayons and markers. fun and effective. i would warn against doing this against a wall or furniture that you don't want marked up though or else tape an even bigger piece of paper underneath.

making wrapping paper


  1. must bear that one in mind, even if i don't need wrapping paper!! 15 minutes is very good!

  2. we've done that before- recycling paper with a personal touch- better than store bought, and much more fun : )

  3. we do something similar round here too - i wrap the present in brown paper then give the kids a pack of stickers with which to cover it in!


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