Thursday 8 July 2010


i feel like i'm slowly getting back to my normal self. mentally, i mean, creatively. when i am pregnant i just don't feel like myself. be it the hormones or whatever, i had so little creative drive or energy to even bother with sewing, something that normally is a huge part of my life. and since sophie was born, i have felt the urges to sew and create come creeping back. i actually had a crazy urge to cut out oobees while i was in the hospital with 5 hour old soph and in the last couple of weeks my desire to sew and play with fabric is almost overwhelming.

physically i feel absolutely fine, like i was never even hugely pregnant, and i am so happy to discover that i didn't gain a crazy amount of weight this time around. being back to a decent size (not quite my normal size but a decent one, nonetheless) is making me all crazy about clothes, clothes, clothes and wanting to sew myself a whole new wardrobe. unfortunately, time and space don't permit me to break out the sewing machine just yet but i've been scouring the internet for inspiration and have hit the motherload. breastfeeding provides me with plenty of internet browsing time while my mom is here to play with mae and i have found so many new-to-me blogs to fuel my dreams of sewing summer clothes:

flossie teacakes

made by rae
tea rose home
gertie's new blog for better sewing
make something
harmony and rosie
sew liberated
the sew convert

and, just quietly, i have been buying a bit of fabric online for future projects. shhhhh.

new liberty
a meter of liberty tana lawn to further wet my appetite...

more to come...


  1. my little one is 4 weeks old and i feel like going out for shopping for new outfits too!!!

    I think I am going to take myself to my closet and admire all the clothes I have not seen for last 10 months!


  2. Hi! Hope you do not mind me leaving a comment here but I have seen your ADORABLE fleur playmat on a few blogs and have been looking EVERYWHERE for this pattern so I can make this myself. I finally found you on etsy and it looks like you are out for a few months but I wanted to see if there was any chance that I could pay you for this pattern and have you send it over to me??? I really hope you get this and can send me the pattern so I can make one of these adorable mats and pillow. You can reply to me at my e-mail which is Thanks so much and hope to hear back from you asap regarding buying this pattern from you!! Hope you have a great day!!!


  3. I can relate to the sewing funk during pregnancy. It feels like my machine and I are barely on speaking terms, and I'm having mood swings about whether I want to make myself any new maternity clothes or not. I suspect, like it has been for you, it will pass in time. Hope you manage to find opportunities to get out your machine and stash soon!


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