Wednesday 30 September 2009

check it out

real living

bruce le well dressed oobee made number 40 in real living magazine's 100 best buys for kids! nice work, bruce : ) i'm thrilled with the mention and the giant photo but unfortunately have to say that the price quoted ($30US) is incorrect. belinda (an editor with real living and all around lovely person) bought bruce for her kids last year at the height of the economic crisis when the aussie dollar was buying about 60¢ US and my esty prices at the time reflected that. anyway, it's still a lovely, lovely thing to see old brucey in print and i'd like to say a big, huge thank you to the team at real living!


  1. heehee, i just bought that mag today, so quickly went and checked you out, cool! You can always say they are limited edition so cost more.....

  2. congrats! how fun :)

  3. Yay for Bruce and yay for you, Leslie! Very excited for you!

  4. How fabulous to see 'yourself' in print and such a big pic.

  5. congratulations
    how exciting

  6. Congrates Leslie! Very cool! xox

  7. Hi Leslie, That is sooooo cool! You certainly deserve it for all of your imagination and hard work - hearty congrats!

  8. Congrats! Received my mag in the mail a few days ago...always check to see if any etsy sellers star....great to see you in there!

  9. He looks like he went to a fantastic home! Congratulations!!

  10. noice one! i will go buy mag today x

  11. Oh fab! He looks super good up there!

  12. oh bugga bugga. sorry miss - that was meant to say FROM $30 (the price of your baby oobee).
    so big apologies for that I HATE it when i get a price wrong (which isn't very often but it does happen occasionally)...
    but glad you saw it! was going to msg you today and let you know! x

  13. Congratulations.

  14. Congratulations on the feature!! And I love your recent post on Good Things too.


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