Thursday 17 April 2008


linzie hunter, originally uploaded by PataPri.

i've been waiting anxiously for these amazing teatowels to become available in patapri's etsy shop, only to check in this morning to find they are all sold out... boo.


  1. Anonymous2:30 pm

    Hi Leslie,
    I just wanted to say that I love your blog. I see that you are on ETSY. I'm 12 and I just started a site on ETSY. I really enjoy checking out your blog.-Cambria

  2. oh what a shame...I have one of her tea towels and love it...however its too precious to use so I think I need to display it! they just feel so fabulous and the colours are always gorgeous

    there is always next time ...and great belly by the way from one big belly to another


  3. Damn, I had wanted one too and checked the other day on etsy, but completely forgot again. I really like Linzie's typography / illustrations.

  4. I hate it when that happens!


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