Wednesday 1 August 2007

jumping on the bandwagon

a post in which i display my entirely unoriginal (but oh so good) recent purchases:

book bounty
book bounty ordered from love, love, love them all but am particularly enjoying sew u - might just inspire me to actually make some clothes this summer instead of just dream about it.

new shoes
wee owly keds found for a mere $30 in the converse outlet at the brisbane DFO. just have to break them in - i have very blister prone ankles.


  1. Anonymous9:02 pm

    oooohhhhhhh.... I am so envious. I think that I have nearly all of those books in my amazon wish list, would love to see what's inside the contemporary quilts one...

    Love the shoes! How gorgeous. I brought a pair of sneakers for Angus today with bunny crossbones today. I wish they made them in adult size - hope to get a picture up tomorrow.

  2. I really liked those Keds, which I found in the Shoe Outlet in Edmonton, but they didn't have a 10 1/2 (10 is way too small, and 11 is way to big). This kind of sneakers are the best - just slip 'em on and go. Now if I could only get gym shoes with velcro ...

  3. Oh my goodness! I love those owl shoes!!

  4. i am very jealous...

  5. Anonymous8:21 am

    Your book stash does look lovely. I've just ordered Denise Schmidt Quilts and I'm really looking forward to it arriving soon :O)

  6. You've got to love Amazon! And it's so addictively easy! The shoes are great - I'm like you on the blister thing.

  7. Anonymous9:46 am

    oh those shoes are so, so cute. :)

  8. i can voucher for her delight at said purchases. she grinned like a village idiot for one work morning and a long afternoon

  9. Anonymous12:56 pm

    Oh exciting books! I've been trying hard to stay away from Amazon. I think you've ruined me!

    The making clothes bug is very addictive. Can't wait to see what you come up with.

  10. I've considered buying every single one of those books for myself, but haven't been able to decide!
    Maybe I should join in and just get them all like you!
    I'd love it if you could share your thoughts about them, when you've had time to read and work with them a bit.....

    those wee owls are way too cute to be allowed....

  11. I am very envious of your 'book stash' - the shoes are gorgeous too!!!

  12. love the keds and books! my keds hurt my ankles...i still have'nt broken them in and get blisters! ouchie!

  13. jo, you're more than welcome to borrow the contemporary quilt book - we just need to find time to get together again!

    paper.string.cloth - i'll do a little review of each book for ya this weekend, as i felt exactly the same when i was ordering them.

    tricia, i found stepping on the heels to break them in and make them a bit more pliable helped a bit : )

  14. All those books are great! I'm a bit of a craft book hag myself...and aren't those keds great? They go with everything.

  15. I jumped on that book band wagon too. PS Don't leave those shoes outside anywhere... I might be lurking in the bushes waiting to pinch them off you and claim them as my own! Swoon!!!

  16. All those books are great!

    Wow what an amazing shoes

    I would have gone for it, if I would seen this shoes before.

    I just purchased
    from, which is similar to yours and looking forward to it to arrive soon.


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