Thursday 22 March 2007

just a quick note...

to let y'all know i'll be updating my shop with new goods this sunday, including a few more oobee cottontails which should be able to be shipped overseas in time for easter if ordered next monday or tuesday (shipping is pretty quick within Australia so aussie easter orders can probably be placed as late at next monday, april 2 but the friday before might be a safer bet). i'm also going to be reevaluating the prints i have on offer and switch them up a bit - the duotones are the only ones attracting buying interest so i may come up with 1 more and just offer different sizes of the three...

i'm going to be spending aaaalllll weekend sewing with my doggie by my side while shane goes to bendigo to try to sell one of his last vestiges of single life - the dirt/motor bike. as much as i'll miss him i'm really looking forward to getting the machine out after a few weeks hiatus, especially as i know this is the last big crafting time i'm allowing myself before packing, moving, and the initial renovations which need to be done before i can set up my craft room in the new house. i'm not planning to do another shop update until late may at the earliest so if you're wanting a little treat, snap something up on sunday!

okay, so this note wasn't so quick... and i still have three more "catching up" posts to write this weekend too: gifts, shopping and daytrips. (and about two more great artwork purchases that arrived in the mail while i was on holidays and were waiting for me back at work today. yikes - will i ever catch up?!)

1 comment:

  1. FYI- I wear my pendant all the time! Been meaning to send you a pic :)


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