Wednesday 31 January 2007

i'm famous, ya'll

yay! my interview for craft synergy is now online here. all you ever wanted too know (i'm sure much, much more than you ever wanted to know!) about the 8 year history of onegirl designwrks, right there for your reading pleasure : )


  1. It's a great interview!

  2. It was so nice to learn more about your past, i enjoyed reading the interview!

  3. hey famousonegirl, go enter your precious obees here:

  4. yay, good for you! It was a great read! You are so multi-talented!

  5. your pretty pendant arrived today. thank you again Leslie ~ i loved the little bag it came housed in as well :: so cute.

    your interview was an interesting read :::

  6. hi leslie,
    loved the interview. this is my first visit here. looking forward to reading regularly! thanks also for your kind words about my blog. what a surprise!
    best wishes! shari

  7. Great interview


I love to hear your thoughts, thanks so much for taking the time to comment! If you have a question to ask, I will answer it here (and by email as well, if I can track down your email address). I would love to reply to every single comment but until Blogger makes it easier to reply by email, please know that I am so happy you stopped by : )


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