Friday 29 September 2006

utilitarian craft

oh man, i'm having way too much fun with flickr, it's basically been consuming all my free time this week - adding photos, checking out other people's photos, making contacts. so much fun, in fact, that i've neglected to post about the other projects i finished up last sunday.

clothespeg bag

clothespeg bag

this here is a little patchwork, drawstring bag i pulled together from my scrap box to hold our clothes pegs, which had previously been kept in the ever useful but ugly, plastic grocery bag. this way i'll be able to peg the ribbon onto the line and pull the pegs out as i need them, without bending down and having to grab 6 at once and then fumbling with trying to hold all the pegs and hang the clothes and keep everything from falling into the dirt below.

i also finished sewing two business card holders that had been hanging around for a few weeks, 1 featuring one of my circle gocco prints and 1 with a leaf print (note: i'll be putting together a leaf printing tutorial this weekend to post here next week for anyone who is interested, just hope we get some sunny weather so i can have nice, clear pics to show with the explanation.)

cardholder circles1

cardholder circles2

cardholder circles3

cardholder pink1




  1. Lurv the card holders. The prints are great! I sooo need to make myself a peg bag - beats a plastic bag any day! Have a great weekend! :)

  2. Peg bag... what a sterling idea. Must make one for myself, as our old placcie bag is rather sad, to say the least.

  3. tres sweet wee purses, lovely prints too!


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