Wednesday 30 August 2006

snap it up (oh, i'm witty)

my good buddy, lou informed me about something very cool happening this weekend, here's the scoop:

Snap-Shot-City has arrived!
Saturday 2 September 2006

Teams are given a list of 30 treasures to photograph and upload onto the website.
Gives you the chance to become an artist for the day and tell a story about where you live.

How to Play
1. Form a team of (6 or less) friends
2. Register online at
3. Come down to Workshop (413 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne) at 1pm on Saturday
02 September 2006 with digital cameras / phones / etc. to receive the list of
treasures, or download the list and play from anywhere in the world.
4. Head out into the city and hunt down the list of items – these will be specific and
interpretive – Tell a story about where you live – Become an artist for a day
and capture moments of urban life that tell a story about where you live.
5. Upload 10 images every two hours before the Snap-Shot-City deadline: 8pm
6. At 8pm get on down to The Workshop for a kick ass party! Dj’s to be announced!
7. Spread the word! Anyone anywhere can play!

hmm, seeing as i'll be in bendigo this weekend, i may have to take up the challenge there. could be pretty interesting!

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