Wednesday 2 August 2006

new month, new blog, new treats!

welcome to the official launch of my new/old blog under my new/old business name onegirl designwrks! i've transferred a few edited posts from my old craft blog, oobee, and the full archives can still be found there plus i will still be randomly updating my personal blog, lesterbee, if you just can't get enough of me here. and i promise, promise, promise that i'll be posting here MUCH more frequently than i did on oobee. promise.

so aside from setting this here space up, i've also been doing a little sewing - lots of bears and bags coming off the assembly line - and will be showing off pics of my labour in the next couple of weeks, hopefully with an updated website to accompany them. the reason pics are a bit delayed is that i'm breathlessly awaiting the delivery of my long coveted, much desired nikon d70s which is on it's way here RIGHT NOW from new york. i've seriously wanted this camera for over 2 years, well, the d70 model anyway, and soon, soon it will be mine. i'm a big nikon fan, this will be my third slr nikon purchase and while my old coolpix 950 has done a splendid job over the past 5 years, and i will miss it's handy swiveling body, the fact that it takes waaaayyyyyyy toooooooo loooooooong to shoot pics has finally driven me over the edge. all those missed shots still haunt me. but, as i said, it was a great little camera that took some brilliant shots (when i could actually capture them in time) and i'm feeling a bit sad about retiring it. as such, i've decided to dedicate the first month of the new onegirl blog to a coolpix 950 tribute to really send the old fella out in style. everyday for the month of august, i'll be posting one of my favourite pics taken with the 950. i'll also be doing regular posts in between but i really feel i need to give the 950 it's due. here's no. 1:

automatic macro setting on the 950. this shot was taken in bendigo on one of the many, many days i had to fill while living there. i took lots of pics of various plant life, seedpods, etc.

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo, Leslie's back!! Glad to see you're really back in the blogging saddle, and that things are looking up in general!
    Luv S


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