Friday 5 May 2006

fall bag/spring bag

i spent a bit of time in the last few weeks working on bag patterns. i poured through japanese craft book images on flickr for inspiration and generally settled on the style(s) i loved most. first off was a fall bag to celebrate the current season in melbourne - the falling, changing leaves and chilly nights made me want something BROWN and warm to carry on my arm.

using a vintage tweed skirt that i've had for years and years and lined with beautiful dark brown velvet, i muddled my way through creating the above bag that i'm quite happy with in the end. it was intended to have wooden handles that my sister picked up for me at a thrift shop in edmonton but i couldn't quite work out how to attach them correctly so went with my standard leather handles. it's my first time doing anything with pleats - fun and easy. now, it's lovely and just the thing to go with my buttery angora scarf but i knew it wasn't quite going to cut in in the north american spring that i'm going to be entering in the next few days. so i needed a new spring bag as well and something that would be large enough to carry assorted travel goodies such as my camera, wallet, the odd magazine or two, plus knitting accessories.

i used mid weight cottons (the grey/blue ones i actually dyed myself on anzac day, i love the subtle differences in the shade and how they work together) and some thick, vintage, lime coloured linen and lined it with brown corduroy. love. love. love. everytime i glance down and see it beside my desk it makes me happy. i can't wait to fill it up with time consuming treats tomorrow night and get on that plane!


  1. loving your blog! thanks for posting a comment on mine!

    your bags are wonderful! i adore that first one. fall is my favorite season and the colors and textures really appeal to me.

  2. I enjoyed following the whole entry, I always thought one of the main things to count when you write a blog is learning how to complement the ideas with images, that's exploiting at the maximum the possibilities of a ciber-space! Good work on this entry!


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