Thursday 27 October 2011

handprinted on flickr

there is really cool work popping up in the handprinted: fabric group over on flickr:

handprinted fabric: trial one
block printed birds by imaginegnats

fabric test #1
screen printed by marywasadj using a vintage sheet and an embroidery hoop!! unbelievable!

triangle mania 2
gorgeous new screen print by blueberrypark

so exciting to see!


  1. thanks, leslie, for sharing my birds :) i am having so much fun seeing what everyone else is working on!

  2. you can never go wrong with birds and I just love Cassie's flowers! Thanks so much for sharing my triangles and excitedly watching out to see everyone else's ;-)

  3. Hello Leslie, just found your blog via the screen printed fabric swap all those fabrics beautiful x

  4. I would have loved to have joined in and had a go at printing but I really didn't want to risk not managing and being late witj the swap - see not superwoman! I particularly like those birds, they are great colours and I had spotted Karen's triangles on her blog. Juliex

  5. Leslie such a beautiful blog and items that you make. If only I could screenprint I would participate in the swap!


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