Sunday 24 July 2011

block printing

lino cutting experiments

lino cutting experiments

last month, inspired by lena corwin's printing by hand, i dug out some block printing supplies that i bought over ten years ago and started cutting. just trying out the different blades and testing out the types of marks i could make. and it was SO. FUN. i went to the local art shop shortly after and picked up some proper lino and a big block of ezy carve (like a big eraser, super easy to cut into). i have yet to brave the real lino block but i picked up the ezy carve on friday, cut it into some smaller pieces, drew a rough outline of a couple of flowers, and started cutting it away.

stamp carving

carved stamps

i think i have a  new obsession. on friday night i carved out a feather and on saturday night i spent a good couple of hours stamping away. i used setacolor transparent paint mixed with some screenprinting paint because i only had white screenprinting paint and wanted to make greys and lighter pinks. the pink prints are destined to become oobees (yes, for all of you waiting on girly oobees!) and the rest, probably used for patchwork.

cherry blossom




i can't wait to try out some other colours and i am SO going back to the art store tomorrow for more ezy carve, even though the last time ended with me walking out red faced, pushing two crazed children in the pram (small store + art supplies + kids not being able to touch most things = disaster). i've been looking for something crafty i can do while i'm in canada, away from my sewing room, and i think i've found it!


  1. Love that feather print. What will you do with it?

  2. i love that you like learning new crafts. and exploring. and that you are awesome at everything you make. YAY!

  3. The feather print is fab!

  4. Wow - these are beautiful, Leslie! A trick I've learned is to buy a jumbo pack of erasers at a $2 shop - they make excellent testers for carving and are even great little stamps once carved. Much cheaper than the stuff from the craft shop. You are limited in shape, but not too much. Enjoy!

  5. thanks so much, ladies!! and thanks for the eraser tip, kate, i will check out the $2 shop. the ezy carve blocks aren't too bad pricewise, though, the one i bought was huge and i think cost me about $8. i used the bulk of it on a large scale flower print that didn't work out so it would have been pretty economical without the screw up!

    merran, i'm going to use the pink on pink and grey on pink feather prints for oobees but i have ideas for whole cloth quilts and possibly even selling fat quarters eventually - just REALLY need more hours in the day!

  6. Anne Newton1:13 am

    Amazing; I love the feather prints!!Will Fabricland have supplies? Looking forward to checking it out when you come! Hugs! MOM

  7. Beautiful! The fabrics that you created are fabulous! I especially love the red feathers! Very cool!

  8. I pretty much love everything you post and can always find inspiration in it. Thanks for reminding me how great it is to carve blocks.

  9. The feather print is awesome! Can't wait to see how they look in the finished products. :)

  10. oh my god! How awesome!! You are seriously inspiring. They look great. And I know what you mean about crazed kids in Shopping centers. We went to Highpoint the other day and had to leave because Annie wanted EVERYTHING she saw. Not. Good.

  11. Love those - I bought a set a few months back and have been working on bigger, more image style pieces - didn't think of little printable things! Now I have something else to try!

  12. Anonymous5:07 pm

    Absolutely adorable!! Cant wait to see what you do with the fabrics!

  13. love them, so cool! i want to have a go :)

    i love the pink feathers

  14. Totally gorgeous Leslie! Love how little ideas can turn into obsessions :o) I have a carved linoblock I made in junior high and still get excited looking at it.

  15. i love these so much leslie. you've got such great style. the designs are so beautiful. :)

  16. That looks so easy. Is it really? I love simple colour quilts so I think I am going to have to have a go. Thanks


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