Wednesday 4 May 2011



both kids were thrashing about at 6am but i somehow managed to lure them back into dreamland. i crawled back into bed myself but i knew they would be up by 7am and so thought i'd get up and have a quiet coffee to start the day. and it is so very nice and peaceful, just my fingers typing and the small breaths of babies puffing gently through the monitor. later i will make breakfasts and bottles, lunches, dinners and snacks. later i will go to the supermarket, to the park, to the playground, to the post office to send off parcels. later i will start some dye pots with rosemary and tend the eucaplytus pots from last week. later i will trim and bind and admire the baby quilt i have been working on. later i will draw names of people to email my new pattern to and hope it makes their day. this quiet hour is certainly making mine : )


  1. Gorgeous quilt Leslie! Is that pin tucking across the surface? It looks great.

  2. thanks, suzie! nope, not pintucking but i did use two layers of batting so it is extra cushy and the quilting seems really deep. it took a bit more effort to get through but i LOVE how it feels and looks.

  3. Hi Leslie, I've been thinking about your dyeing. My MIL dyes a lot and has recently used Tasmanian Native Pepper berries to get purply reds. (really hard to get these sort of colours I think) If you want I could try and get hold of some for you and send them over. Suse

  4. Oh, and I'm a touch jealous. My kids get up too early for me now!

  5. *Love* the quilt!

  6. so nice to be able to savour that precious hour before they wake. it can offen make the day just to be able to drink an entire cuppa uninterrupted! I'm already at!

  7. I'm inspired by this quilt, sweet!

  8. am not a big fan of early, but I'm sure the quiet time is lovely... I'll cherish mine for a few years to come :) Enjoy your day!

    ps. gorgeous quilt, love it.

  9. I wish i was a morning person, I'd get so much more done

  10. Sounds familiar. I'm in one of my go slow phases that I seem to go through every month. Feeling overwhelmed at how much there is I should be doing and trying to weigh that against what I'd like to be doing. I feel I never achieve much, but like you, you measure you day by all you do and my gosh, there isn't much slow breathing time. Perhaps I should get up earlier too!

  11. Oh I so very nearly did much the same thing this morning after getting up at 5 to feed the baby, after which she went straight back to sleep. I knew I wouldn't be getting back to sleep before the rest of the family rose. In the end I snuggled back under the covers for a little rest, and daydreamed about knitting instead.


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