Saturday 18 December 2010

bringin' in the cheer

wrapping presents

so i did it. i found a couple of boxes of our christmas stuff stashed away in a closet (which sort of makes me wonder where the rest of it could be... ) and while i didn't really decorate, i did all the present wrapping! such a nice feeling to have this done with so many days to spare. i usually stick with kraft paper for wrapping, i always have a huge roll of it on hand and i like that it is actually recyclable, unlike many other wrapping papers. i was planning to have mae help me decorate some sheets but she is a bit off colour this week and wasn't into it. i got one precious sheet done by her and that i am saving for the grandparents' presents (okay, so i'm not done wrapping, i still have those to arrive). anyway, in my boxes of christmas goodies, i found the kikki k christmas sticker book that i bought last year - pretty christmas stickers and tags that are just perfect to add a bit of festive cheer to my kraft paper wrapping. add the baker's twine that seems to be a must-have this year and i think they are looking pretty sweet.

maesey decorating

of course, mae came home and was straight onto the mini tree. i picked this one up at borders (they usually have really great christmas stuff, by the way) on boxing day last year for a couple of bucks, thinking it could be mae's special tree. and yes, she loves it. i don't know if most of the thrifted wooden ornaments will survive the season though...


mini tree

mini tree


  1. Hey you can gift me a pressie any day! And weirdly, my gifted pressie would look almost IDENTICAL.

  2. Emm loves little dinky things, too, maybe she should have her own tree as well! They had a little silvery metal pyramid tree in the pharmacy for 3€, and she was fascinated with it, it had little silvery coins dangling from it. But an actual little tree with branches and removable ornaments would be even more fun.

  3. these little ornaments are so sweet. lovely images.

  4. Your cardboard playhouse is super rad! And we have these same little ornaments, we snagged them from Target a couple of years ago. They are so tiny and cute. They are actually on our big tree. happy xmas!


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