Monday 23 August 2010

fabric bonanza

last friday, after both kiddos were in bed, i snuck out into the night to do some serious fabric shopping in peace. spotlight had a "spend $100, get $40 off" coupon deal and i always like to take advantage of those, especially as i had about $15 left on a gift card to use up as well. there was some really lovely, heavyweight linen/cotton that i'd had my eye on for weeks, at $20 a meter i was waiting for some sort of sale to be able to justify it. so i show up all perky with my coupon only to discover that it was marked down - to SIX dollars a meter! and then i proceeded to go just a little bit crazy.

slubby linen/cotton
the forementioned linen/cotton in black and natural...

lighter weight  linen/cotton
lighterweight linen/cotton blends...

pale blue and pink pinwale corduroy, slubby turquoise gauze and a sweet bit of quilting cotton...

cotton voiles...

knits + ribbing
and three cotton knits plus a bit of ribbing.

all of this, and keep in mind i got 1.5 to 2 meters of each, plus a pack of ballpoint needles, a paint brush, 5 puffy fabric paints (for the kids someday, marked down to $1 each) and a big pack of stickers for mae, for FORTY FIVE DOLLARS.

possibly my best shopping coup ever  : )


  1. Don'tyou just love shopping trips like that! The shopping gods were smiling on you that night, enjoy your new fabrics x

  2. jesus that is a great haul! I got one of those coupons but sadly we are saving to go see my sister in the uk in march so a fabric shopping ban has been imposed for a little while until we have paid our flights off.

  3. Wowzers! That is one awesome shopping trip! Have fun using it xox

  4. That is the best haul ever! Really gorgeous choices and so much for so little!

  5. Holy moly! Good purchase!

  6. oh no, you've now convinced me that i must visit Spotlight this week and stock up on lovely fabric, this could be dangerous! just found your blog and its nice to find fellow north americans enjoying aussie life. x

  7. You lucky the linen and voiles particularly...xt

  8. The purple and white in the second shot and the black up top are both gorgeous and most certainly not in evidence at my spotlight! I bought overlocker thread, zips, elastic and dye for my discount coupon. Yawn!

  9. I was in spotlight yesterday while Annie was in occasional care. Being able to eye-off fabric uninterrupted really is like winning the lottery. Can't wait to see what you sew with this stash x

  10. Who knew Spotlight could offer such a haul? Can't wait to see what comes forth.

  11. ooohh definitely a good haul! Friday nights at Spotlight are the best as they are empty and quiet... just what you need to escape the kids ;)

  12. Wow. What a great shopping trip. So nice to shop for fabric (or anything for that matter) with the kids. You have a great eye for beautiful fabric.

  13. ooh I love you fabrics, what a shopping trip. I bought some of the linen cotton blend too in blue though. Unfortunately they didn't have black at my spotlight.

  14. hey lesie! those cotton/linen blends kept elsa clothed during her first year :) i think we still have every colour! I also went a little nuts at spotlight on the weekend - post to come soon. looks like you did well! hope you got my message re: yesterday

  15. Great finds! I can imagine lots of great outfits for the girls.


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