Friday 18 December 2009

as per usual


i need to write a blog post, people. i have so many things to write about, so many things i want to capture and yet i just can't seem to get it together. when mae turned one i realised that i'd like to keep a better journal of her development here, looking back at that first year, most of it was a blur of sleep deprivation. but time or energy or lack of words means i really haven't written a tenth of what i would like to share about her, what i would like to remember. she is such an amazing, sweet, funny, clever, little person and i would love to describe how and why and tell of each little thing that she does to prove it is so. and then i try to write it and i can't get it across or am too tired or know i am forgetting that super cute thing that she did the day before. and now she is bored of playing with her bucket of water outside and has come in to show me a wee stick she has found and i just want to go out and be with her. so here is another post not quite written. for now.


  1. ooh, she's gorgeous! I don't blame you for not blogging, i'd be plenty distracted by her as well! Enjoy the time with her, and hope all 3 and a 1/2 of you have a great festvie season.

  2. no blog norma7:28 pm

    wow ! look at those eyes, she is a sweetie.

  3. Adorable!!! Is Mae getting super excited about Christmas? Hope you guys have a wonderful holiday season!
    Luv S

  4. Good lord she's cute! I love the giant Hobbit eyes... little munch.


  5. Not surprised you are leaving the computer to be with her. She is a super-cute button after all.

    Have been given the go ahead from Benny on Rye. Bring it on!!!! Will be visiting Amitie to prepare :)

  6. Never underestimate the power of a half written in haste post! It seemed to send me back in time for a few moments to some little things that I had forgotten....sigh

  7. priceless :)
    hard copies are great too. i have a journal my mum wrote for me when i was small- full of loving observations, hair clippings, drawings and mementos.


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