Friday 21 August 2009


what do you say when you haven't written for a month? when you've flown to the other side of the world and back? when you've enjoyed your family so, so much and were incredulous that it was time to get back on that plane? when your sweet baby girl turned one amongst presents, adoring fans, green grass and canadian sunshine?

i think you just show pictures.

trip mosaic

yes, there will be words. later, tomorrow. it took me bloody ages to make that photo mosaic and the photos still aren't in the composition i want them, would've been quicker just to write everything out in the first place...


  1. Welcome back and happy birthday Mae!

    Looking forward to hearing all about your adventures soon

  2. A very happy and very belated birthday to Mae! Glad to see that she had a fabulous time celebrating with her folks in Edmonton - I wish we could have been there to join in the fun. Best wishes to you for year #2!
    Luv S

  3. Glad to have you back Leslie & glad you all had a wonderful time with family. Thanks for your comment. :)

  4. Great to have you back! And happy first birthday! Such an achievement, for the parents that is..:)

  5. Anonymous8:46 am

    Welcome back! How did the flights go with Mae? Im sure she was perfect! and Happy Birthday Mae!

  6. Welcome Home!! And Happy Birthday Miss Mae!! Look forward to reading all about your adventures soon xox

  7. Glad you're back...The photos look like a fun time was had by all.

  8. welcome back!... looks like Mae certainly did have many 'fans' ~ let me know when you're ready and we'll catch up {for reals this time!}

  9. To mosaic was worth it - lovely! Looks like all that travel was indeed worth it too, you all look so happy and relaxed :-) But glad to have you back. Look forward to seeing the new creative output...

  10. Welcome back! What a beautiful mosaic - looks like you all had an amazing time and many happy memories were made. Hope the settling back in 'normal' life is smooth and easy too :-)

  11. Happy belated birthday to your gorgeous baby girl!

  12. welcome back, keatings & happy birthday miss mae xxx

  13. nice to have you back, happy b-day to sweet mae!

  14. Welcome home and happy birthday to little miss mae.

    Aren't family holidays the best, just feeling so loved and appreciated.

  15. Happy, happy birthday to Mae & welcome home to you all.

  16. Oh gosh - she's one already - YIKES! How time has totally flown. She is a divine happy little soul.

    Welcome back! I've been thinking of you. x

    Word verification was nonap. Has Mae been trying it on?

  17. Happy 1st birthday Mae and congrats Leslie! Welcome back

  18. Welcome back - sorry for any transitional pain in coming back. However much we love the home we have and are in, it doesn't stop us missing all that's been left behind. Good work on the return flight too - braver than us that's for sure. We were talking about a big os trip next year and even then, with a 3.5 and 6.5 year old, that seems daunting enough!

  19. Welcome back! Looks like you've had a lovely time, the mosiac looks great. Looking forward to having you back here on the web.


I love to hear your thoughts, thanks so much for taking the time to comment! If you have a question to ask, I will answer it here (and by email as well, if I can track down your email address). I would love to reply to every single comment but until Blogger makes it easier to reply by email, please know that I am so happy you stopped by : )


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