Friday 23 January 2009

sweet petite

hot day

hot day

hot day

hot day

she can roll over onto her tummy but can't always remember how to get back...


  1. Oh she's beautiful. Look at her big eyes! Well done Maesey!

  2. Love the action shots, she is gorgeous - look at her beautiful hair and look at that face - mwah! Looks like you, right?

  3. i think she's starting to look a tiny bit like me but really, she's still got a mighty large portion of her dad's genes. he's pretty cute too, so i'm okay with it : )

  4. She is getting so big, I can't believe how quick it goes. I love the little fuzzy hairs!

  5. Oh Leslie, she is just so adorable!
    and that hair, cute! More than my Zeb!

  6. Yay Mae, well done! Before you know it she'll be rolling back from her tummy to back with ease, crawling and then all of a sudden she'll walk across the room to you at child care like my Smurf did today! Doesn't time fly!

  7. I love this last shot. I remember their frustration well.

  8. Mae, what a cutie - clever girl she will be crawling in a minute
    I love your scrap quilts/tea towels they look great mine always end up wobbly- Good job x

  9. Such great action pics, she is so wonderfully chubby too! Goddess arms, I call them.

  10. Love all that hair coming in, she's a real cutie

  11. oh yes we have that going on with our little miss...finn can get back no problems but tillie tries and then bumps her head and cries!

    love the little crew cut...we have one going on here and my mum actually asked had I cut her hair that way! cute pics!


  12. She is so cute doing her tummy practice! My little girl starts crying like there is no tomorrow when I turn her on her belly :-)

  13. hi there! love your blog and your sweet little one is darling. my daughter matilda has the same onesie.



  14. that 3rd pic is esp funny ... mae looks like she just realized what she's gotten herself into. "oh no!" and then the meltdown in the 4th pic. i love pictoral series like this even more than videos, because they're so much funnier due to what they leave to the imagination :-)

  15. hehe...she looks like you in that third shot. All like...'The client wants me to do what now?'


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