Sunday 10 June 2007

okay, i'm stuck.


voila! here's one of my new little creations. one of my new little creations who still doesn't have a name... i'm looking for something slightly nonsensical, i think, maybe in the vein of "oobee" as, like the oobees are open for interpretation as to whether they're a bear, a dog, a gerbil, etc, i'd like these to be open for interpretation as well. be it a fairy, an angel, icarus or just a cute little guy with wings, i want that to be up to you and i need a name that maybe sort of relates to flight or ascension (not in a religious way) or, then again, maybe doesn't relate at all and just sounds nice... you see my struggle here?

okay, it's up to you kind folk now. what do you think when you look at this little fella? if i choose your suggestion to be the name for this range of soft toys, i'll send you the first one i stitch up with the little tag bearing your namesake. and if none of the suggestions quite hit the mark and i end up naming them something random, i'll pick a name out of a hat from all the suggestions and send that person the first one out the door. sound good?

and, by the way, i'm loving making these and i love the way they are turning out - wee pieces of fabric are so my new best friends. :)


  1. I suggest:


    Almost "fairy" or "fairie", surely fanciful and flightful.

    He/She/It is very cute.

  2. Your toys are gorgeous! How about "Ceroo" or something based on cerulean (sky blue)? ...since they'll be flying in the sky :)

  3. OK, Tony and I love this new addition to the Leslie softees and we both want to try our hand at naming these pretty critters:

    Tony - Tula (pl. Tulas), just because it sounds nice!
    Sarah - Windsy, because I imagine wind and wings go together, and it has a nice sweetness about it.

    Whatever you decide to call them, we think they're great!


    Petite and singing. they look like they could be singing in thier flight. You would also in a sense be naming your dolls after my little brother, David who has down syndrome. We have always nick named him pitsy cause he is and has always been our pitsy boy... and our angel.

    I love your work. very beautiul.

  5. My first thought was "Featherbee." If I come up with anything else, I'll be back to leave a comment.

    It's just beautiful, by the way!

  6. I think these little guys are really creative. To go along with oobees you could call them; flybees, flowbees, or pennabees. I think penna is the latin word for wing. Anyway just suggestions, whatever you name them they'll still be cute!

  7. Ooooh, very cute! The name that came into my head was Flittie. It's similar to Oobees but to me evokes flying, or flittering around!

  8. how about "angies". little angels that are sung about my Mick Jagger...

  9. Anonymous12:07 pm

    I think it looks like a "snippet".

    Whatever it's's lovely. :-)


  10. Dunno why, but my first thought was "Dinku".

    No reason at all! But I must say I quite like "Snippet"!!!

    I infinitely prefer the completely nonsensical, rather that the looking for flight associations.....that's what makes nonsensical so brilliant, it's completely random....

  11. Anonymous2:54 pm

    It's so adorable! I just love the new addition to the 'clan'! :0)
    For a name? I was thinking something similar to oobee and maybe something refering to flying such as 'flutter' - i just love this word for some reason... So, my madeup name is: flutterbee. x

  12. aerobee or aeroobee

    they're really cute. 8)

  13. i found your site through quiltbaby and i am in love with your creatures. i'll be ordering one for my sonny-boy soon. how about "lovlies"...

  14. Anonymous4:29 pm

    weather-bee? ilkee? they look like cute guardian angels... they are so cute - well done!

  15. Anonymous5:56 pm

    How about Floops ?

    One friendly Floop flitters, flutters and flies.

    A pocketful of Floops all in a flap say fooo.


  16. Hi,
    I love your little creatures and your blog. I wanted to enter to see if I could help.

    I like "Wingbee or woobee".

    I wonder if you could do a post sometime on fabric shops in Melbourne. I am going to visit for a whirwind tour and would love to know where to look.

    julie Q

  17. Anonymous8:56 pm

    I don't have any clever ideas for names, but it is gorgeous, I love the stripy legs. Also, I saw the link to you in the Sunday Life article - congratulations!

  18. Hi Leslie, I'm thinking 'Flewbee'. It rhymes with oobee but says it has wings. BTW your creation is supercute.

  19. Flutterbee comes to mind with the wings and such. I think she's lovely and would be right at home here is PA. :)

  20. Angelee?
    i'm afraid i'm not good at naming!
    very cute softie!

  21. Hi Leslie!

    I got imagiMaries or Folklights. ;o)

  22. Hi!
    I thought blue sky, so why not BLU( pronounced blu:) or maybe Trilby ( after some person in a novel)?

    Good luck!

  23. Its gorgeous! I love all the different fabrics. Glorygan ? Its Glorious!

  24. Anonymous9:13 am

    I love that you are enjoying making these sweet little lovelies (ahhh lovelies sory of rhymes with oobees...) anyhoo, my suggestion for a name is actually 'zoomees' or 'zoobees'.

    by the way, I think the eyes look great, well done!

  25. Anonymous9:52 am

    i love 'folklights' that someone wrote- how sweet!

    i just asked my 3 year son and he said 'fairy-patch'... i don't know if that helps? i guess he must have seen those cute patch-legs.

  26. Anonymous1:45 pm

    how about... celestialbees or butterbees

  27. I can't help with a name - you have such great suggestions so far, but wanted to say I love it - gorgeous!

  28. Farfar, because it'll go far. :-)

  29. Woah! I'm glad I'm not the one who has to decide between all those fantastic names.

    Whichever one you choose, will be lovely, to suit your lovely new softy.

  30. Too cute for words Leslie!

    How about Wowly? it remind me of an owl - owly-wowly.

    Arn't you so clever. :)

  31. Anonymous10:34 pm

    I can't believe you have 30 (I mean 31 , now) comments! Coffee Sunday? x

  32. Anonymous12:47 pm

    I think something like Cherubees is good

    Or something simple like Sprigs

  33. Anonymous5:17 pm

    This new softie is oh so very cute Leslie - just GORGEOUS!!! Hmmm a name..........I hate thinking up names for my own creations but maybe it is easier with something I have never seen before...... how about "Wipsie" / "Wipsy" / "Wipsee"? Whatever it is named it is simply adorable!

  34. Anonymous7:23 pm

    and... tinklepuffs

    A little tinklepuff swirls and swoops and tickles the honeysuckle's ears.

    A family of tinklepuffs blow dandelion parachutes and fall about laughing, fluttering as they go...


I love to hear your thoughts, thanks so much for taking the time to comment! If you have a question to ask, I will answer it here (and by email as well, if I can track down your email address). I would love to reply to every single comment but until Blogger makes it easier to reply by email, please know that I am so happy you stopped by : )


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